My Food Trust – Website focused on food transparency

What is

In short! A site dedicated to create greater food transparency, by telling the stories of fraud and those advocating for more transparency. This is done through articles, interviews, news updates and so forth.

Why, you ask?

I find it horrifying that we know so little about the food we eat. We are disconnected from the food we consume, by complex supply chains where transparency and traceability is non-existent! This needs to change. Right?

That is why i wrote my master thesis about the possibilities with blockchain, to act as the catalyst for more transparency. The case was extra virgin olive oil, due to the extensive fraud with these products.

There is a urgent need for transparency. Food transparency. Almost everyday there is a incident with the food we eat, from mislabeling, fraud, adulteration, substitution, theft, false marketing, illness from food and the list goes on. This needs to change! So the site will bring stories about food fraud, new developments in tech and testing, interviews with experts, advocates for transparency and the shakers and movers on creating better transparency.

As modern consumers’, we focus on health, organic, wellness, personal nutrition, etc. Hopefully, and very soon, adopting food transparency strategies will no longer be optional. Retailers who can use in-depth data, the latest consumer trends and new insights to foster more innovation in this area will be able to better leverage this emerging opportunity and evolve their business around transparency.

Hopefully, My Food Trust can help consumers make more conscious decisions about the food we consume everyday, by informing and shed light on something that we have minimal knowledge about.

How is our food produced?

Lets find out! Go to